BUWAdome roof systems

World Water Day 2021

Today is World Water Day, a unique moment to reflect on the importance of water worldwide. Worldwide water consumption continues to increase, partly in function of population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns. However, the natural resources are increasingly being depleted, so clean water is becoming increasingly scarce.

We at BUWATEC want to contribute with solutions for storing water easily. This stored water can be used for hygiene purposes, drinking water and food production. Water tank covers play a major role in this.

In the last year we have been developing a new roof system, the BUWAdome. This light weight roof frame is a unique system that can be placed on existing and new water tanks. The BUWAdome closes the tank completely and keeps dirt from coming in. This makes it easy to maintain water quality. Are you looking for a suitable cover for your water tank? Please, get in touch with us.

On behalf of BUWATEC, we wish you a pleasant World Water Day.
